We read many research articles whose findings are obvious,
many research findings of problems and issues whose solution is nowhere
feasible. It seems sometimes highly educated peoples are trying to create jobs
Every organism knows why Islamic terrorist came out. Why
they target only USA, but no other country. Is it because terrorist uneducated?
Is it because they are in below poverty line? No, they are humiliated by USA
and his allied forces. Chances are very high that Human rights violation may
lead to violence retaliation but the chances for violence are very in case of
Why there is inverse relationship trend of unemployment with
education in Palestine, meaning increase in unemployment as the educational
level increases, is not because marginal utility for education has decreases
but because of over attack Israeli forces like destroying Olive fields,
demolishing houses, occupying already settled areas by demolishing houses
altogether can’t make a conducive environment to run an economic business.
It’s really ridiculous to read an article on “economic aid
in Islamic breeding country will help reduce breeding terrorism” in the country
in which there had not been any aid so far. Why they are studying in the
country, Palestine where there had not been any aid from any non-Islamic
country like US rather than Pakistan where aids are going like water supply
pipe. Educated are more irrational.
Is there any research that support that USA should allow to
enrich nuclear in Israel and should stop in Iran? Is there any list of
countries that support USA for these same acts? No, I bet. It’s only Israel and
If USA is going to use force, as declared very recently, in
order to stop nuclear enrichment in Iran, the same rule should be applied to Israel
also. Otherwise, it is an axiom that one must agree the discrimination by USA
against Islamic countries.