Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Is the Center a hurdle in the growth of Manipur ?

It is always easy to blame others rather than looking back to self which can be one big reason of self-halting. And it is easier said than done. And there are many things that we people want in our society to change but hardly anyone check its feasibility, that I would called them as utopian expectation. Even without expecting to change that much the existing one is more than enough, kicking off the White Man ideology which is hazardous to Indian society and to the earth at aggregate.

Anyway, top down parliamentary democracy- many political philosophers says that representative form of government is the worst form of government but no better alternative for this. What more than this is democracy, which comes include the representative form of govt. or same? Representative form of govt. is down to top process while the administration of this form of govt. is top to down and this is neutralize by the form called democracy which includes every kind of freedom of the citizens and the policy called Panchayati Raj Institution, the rest are because of people who are selected but not because of the form of govt.

Rise of revolutionaries on account of merger- it is one of the most ambiguous issue in Manipur. Everybody, excluding the civilian people, protested against the merger. Those who are protesting, a group of people single minded people, claiming that the merger was not in consensus and hence not democratic. It was done at the time democracy was not internalized to the majority of people. This is not the issue. No one ask(ed) why this revolutionaries, who do not actually have any basic objective of their existence shouting for separation, and no one bother of them also. It’s good to compare the condition of Myanmar and Thailand and many similar countries with the situation what if Manipur was an independent country. I mean, what would be the position of the revolutionaries if we all were in the independent Manipur. We can check it out by the trend of their contribution so far in the soil of Manipur.  Or similarly we can ask why they want separate state while the rest of the people do not speak anything in favor of them. It will be totally wrong if we think that revolutionist know more of prediction of political situations than normal people. It’s not at all a people’s movement when people do not join it. Rather it is by a group of people for vested interest. Coup is one simple example for their vested interest.

Same is the case of AFSPA also. It is true that Act is alienating NE from the mainland but there had not been any such trend of insurgency in any state in Indian history other than in NE. And for any Govt. coercion is component to maintain internal peace.  I do not agree with the act, mainly the Section 6 which is the draconian part- “This section establishes that no legal proceeding can be brought against any member of the armed forces acting under the AFSPA, without the permission of the Central Government. This section leaves the victims of the armed forces abuses without a remedy”. The act itself is against the people, if we talk compendium to the act only. We can ask to the group of people who are protesting against it that what is their intention is to remove the Act and lead a peaceful state? If this is the answer why there had been a quantum increase of lethally violence in the Imphal area where this act was removed to check the validity of the claim from the group of people who are protesting. Mere protesting against the act is of no sense without making any commitment what they can do for the social stability in Manipur. The act is imposed by State govt. even though it is a central act. State govt. can remove it at any time. And it is on the basic humanitarian ground to put this act in Manipur rather than pushing the Manipur to the faith of Mizoram that happened couple of decades back. These all are to maintain internal peace. Yes, in context of Manipur we can blame the state as it is all because of lack of state force, we can blame why state can’t maintain its security.  And it is because of this reason state govt. put this act instead. And state do not have much money to empower the state force to tackle the mass of insurgency, which even Center took long time and spent millions of Rupees. Still it is because of the insurgency state can divert money to other development projects like Education as maximum non-planned money goes to security sector. There many false within the states itself also that take help of this AFSPA.

Liberal economic system- there is no any such system/program that fulfills all sort of problem or demand of people. This freedom of economy does make grow the economy who contributes at the national economy. And classical economists didn’t have the idea of inclusion of Indian poor who will be seriously affected as this very concept is for aggregate policy and this for global arena, but not for individual units. This is the concept of Capital approach of development. And what now emerged is that of Amartya Sen called as Capability Approach that is to create enabling factors among the people to let the people grow themselves, e.g. govt. is trying at its best to improve the health conditions and education, empowering women, Dalits, and many identities and so on. This is called as Development, which very different from Economic growth. Development includes everything, or it is another term of inclusive growth. So, we cannot say that India is not applying this new Capability approach/ inclusive growth policy. We cannot say the policy of inclusive growth and democracy, and newly decentralized form of Panchayats raj institutions are not empowering people with liberty to take decision themselves. I am not saying Govt. is doing the best, yes they are doing the best but the not accounted. Even the money is directly sent to Pradhan all of the money is diverted to his pocket. This is to some extent similar to form of Panchayats in which money was not sent direct to Pradhan, as the money is not spent on the people that mean to use for.

There are many programs in which there is no interference of dirty politics that taken up by many civil societies. And it is very hard to say people should not have politics in their mind, as politics is something comes inbuilt in human mind. We cannot change the system all at once as you have experienced about the Lokpal and RTI. Anyway, RTI has made the system transparent to a great extent than before. Yes, there are many elements in the system which itself corrupt, called as non-collusive which are very hard to detect. And another type is collusive, in which there is mutual benefit. Both these are being curbed by RTI slowly and another coming is Lokpal. So, we cannot bluntly say that we need to change the system all together, which is not possible at all in the population of 1.2 billion.

Autonomy is a broad term.  There is both advantage and disadvantage for autonomy both at micro-level and macro-level as in the case of Liberal Economic Policy, as India is equity starve country. To make it easier let me take it in context of Manipur. How much autonomy we need to run a state smoothly. Does Manipur need more autonomy than we are getting now, as special status? Yes, it is of the general perception that Center is in such a stand to make NE depends on them so that they can claim the importance of Center for NE. It may be true but there is no evidence to prove this because we are in special status. Specials status means maximum autonomy that no other state get in which we can grow in our own. We are in such a freedom that we can build our own satellite if we can like California does. All NE states are under the supervisor and management by NE Council, not center. We are getting money directly from IMF unlike other states. Because of these autonomous policies vested for NE Center do not need to pay special attention to NE. And we do not have our own resources also to attract special attention of Center also. Although we are getting money more that we can use. It is the lack within us, not the Center at all. There had not been any such incident that questioned how the central money is using by the state, other than the one recently happened in which Prime minister’s team questioned to IBOBI about the development  of Manipur. It is because of the autonomy given to us. Meaning, we are given to grow in our own. We had chosen this at the time we signed in the process of merging with Indian Union. Why Manipur do not grow is not because we do not get enough autonomy, nor we do not get enough attention from the Center but because of gross mismanagement within the state.

In order to go ahead it is always good to look back within ourselves once before complaining. We are making the need but not the solution for what we need.