Monday, August 27, 2012

I remember the moment I could get to read the greatest novel ever in my life !

There was a moment I always remember whenever I sit in train.

The moment I first get to sit in train ever in my life.

The moment I sat at the window side holding a novel with an intention to complete
but didn't even a word,
seeing the beautiful landscape started with big river ever I seen in my life,

and continuously followed by wide greenery agricultural field with divers crops
and their planting patters that had no its end in the horizon.

Seeing those new things was my greatest ever novel to get to read,
not the novel that I was holding by one of my hand. 

I kept watching from the window even in the night also even when everyone slept
making myself guard for all of them.

Seeing those green fields I could recall all romantic poems and stories
written by great nationalities and international poets all I read, 

and I felt ooh!
All these are the things the poets were talking in those few lines...amazing!

Everything have learned in class as if we have seen all these-agriculture, railway and lot more,
but all those were blindly.

I am not fed up even when have I seen many now.

Whenever I go any other new place I use to sit at the window side
so that I can keep watching the landscapes.

All looks alike but not so at all, there is lot difference everywhere.

There is lot difference in north east of India also,
in the south also,
in the north also and so on…

The difference is not only in the landscapes but also in the people,
and also a passion for me to see new culture, new people. 

Seeing an unseen is all time my most romantic thing,
and also a unquenchable thirst,
perhaps for everyone too. 
and it will be always for whole my life.