Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Are we different from animals ?

We human also do the same as dogs do-- do style,
We go wild in bed as animals do in their space.

She sometimes looks, in bed, dead frog floated overturn.
He looks like an aborigine, in bed, who hail in Andaman Nicobar or Kalahari.

Basic traits of being animal remains attached with us also both psychologically and physically,
But only the difference is the scheme of the color.

We labeled ourselves as most powerful,
enough to think rationally, but not many times.

We also do what even plants do.
They compete to get more sunlight, we also do the same in some other.

Animals fight each other to get major share of the meat,
we also do the same in some other.

Male animals mate with female when they feel like to, man also do the same.
We have love and sympathy, animals also do have the same.

See your pets if you don't believe.

We feel shy, they also feel the same.
They are not shame, we also not.

We live in pair, they also do.
'Might is Right' is animals' Rule of Law, same is among us also.

We term ourselves as 'social animal' in a beautiful way as we always tend to live in group.
Animals also do live and move in group, which is their term of society.

Then what's the difference?

The 'superiority' is our self constructed label.

If we had the power to think reasonably or rationally there couldn't have conflicts,
no communal disharmony.

Humans living without cloth in Kalahari, South Africa are more morale,
they have more sense of true love and bond among them then what we have.

They have more clearer sense of distinction between bad and good then we have.

Yes, there is difference between man and animal.
The same difference is other lower species also just like
between man in Kalahari and American and Briton.

But still the basic traits of being animal is with us.

If you want freedom from patriarchal,
You need to be as powerful and assertive as male,
as 'might is right' is till prevalent  among us also.

Big fish eat up small fish,
big cat eat up small and less mighty animals.

Thin man fear of thick man,
Man who do not have weapon fear of who have.

As deer fear of tiger,
As cat fear of dog or as mouse fear of cat.

Rich people plunder poor's property and downtrodden who is less mighty,
Rich people take decision for poor.

Don't expect men to let you sit on the another pan which is at the same height. 
Don't expect man will interpret the holy scripts in favor of women, 
until you women do yourself.

I know there is thundering criticism for this,
as there is no scientific theory without any exception.