One of my friend asked me now a days why you updating your Facebook posts based on girls/ love / sex? I answered unwillingly, "it's just today's trend as you know".
What I want to question is why artist, painter/ writer express their feelings through sexual figurines. They seem to indulge in it. I went to Ellora Cave, Maharashtra in 2010, inside the cave wall stone figurines are all stories of perhaps Kamasutra in many places, and rest figurines are also symbols of sex. You can see one photo in my album "My Ugly Clips" in my Facebook. Next time I can't go there with anyone other than my girlfriend or boyfriend, never with family.
In India some temples have banned from children entry, and in UK all street Bra shops has been banned recently due to increasing indulgence of young youths into sex. I question myself why passing all these new laws and regulations against sex. Let it go if it is started and accepted by the followers from the beginning.
But Quran kept all these unopened as such ways of expressions are worthless stuffs of the means for the purpose of a living. But it doesn't mean that Quran never talk anything about it, it tells the best of Kamasutra. But Quran never talks either to be Buddha or a Pig.