Why we learn
so much?
better survival?
Do we
survive better now?
No, the
more we learn higher the standard of living.
the standard of living more the threat to environment.
education solve problems?
Both Yes
and No.
The more
solution the more unsolved is.
We are
advance in medicine,
But more
serious disease comes out after every new solution.
We have
advanced in medicine
And we
decreased the natural death rate
And thus
distorted the equilibrium between death rate and birth rate.
And thus
created the population explosion.
produce seeds for better resilience from pest,
another completely new disease comes up and destroy completely.
produce climate resilient seeds for good produce.
is hybrid seed and endangered endogenous one,
But we
cannot grow these hybrid seeds without chemical
becomes chemical agriculture that goes to our body ultimately.
higher production fill poor's stomach, no!
Poor and
rich are increasing the gap between,
Have food
security has met with the increased grain produced?
that’s are for few rich people,
security can be met only with fair distribution.
We are
highly educated for a better society?
One upon
a time before modern education our society was egalitarian,
Now our
egalitarian society has gone and is full of social and political instability.
This is
the product of education for better survival?
We are
educated to understand the values
But we
see values only through production function.
We are
educated, we need more energy than uneducated.
generation is threat to our environment.
We are
educated, we need shower three times a day per head in a family.
We need
twenty litters of water per flushing in our western toilet,
We are
educated, we need pipe for car wash before going to office.
should we suck water from our precious heritage
Is it
going to be the solution?
should we increase quantity
which can
be solved by increasing efficiency and fairness.
Why we
need to cut down the forest for Railway track.
Is it the
solution to political tension of Manipur?
Is the
solution to supply chain in the state?
Do we
need more import without making self reliance ourselves.
Does our
land less productive, without any irrigation system.
Or does
bombarding with import call as development?
track can also be blocked like in roads,
Then same
is the case as of now or earlier.
And our
environment will be destroyed,
culture will be destroyed,
tension will be increased as different population increases
But all
in the name of fast transport with larger freight
Which are
far more than we need or which we don't need at all.
But all
in the name of development.
is a problem !
involves politics,
involves corruption,
involves nepotism.
is a legitimate problem generator.