Monday, November 8, 2010


Part IV A (Art. 51 A):“To develop the scientific temper, humanism and the spirit enquiry and reform “. This constitutional statement is proved invalid by the Ayodhiya verdict. And it is beyond the scope of the judiciary to ask the mix questions of belief and history. All these
show the incompetence of the constitution. To bring to the story, there is also a question whether Rama actually lived as a human being or whether he was supernatural ideal created by mythology to represent the perfect man. The three judge bench ignored the historical and archaeological evidences. The findings of Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) were kept undisclosed. ASI remained packed with Hindu Fundamentalist. BJP used the issue to catapult itself into power, is a fact.

The grounds to say the bench ignored the historical and archaeological evidences:

1.  Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) had not been able to cite any Sanskrit text in support of its claim that there was in ancient in Hindu belief that a particular spot in Ayodhiya was the Ram Janmasthami (birth place of Rama).

2.  No evidence existed in the text of any generation (including Tulsidas’ Ram Charitmanas) being attached to any spot in Ayodhiya before the 16th century for being the birth place of Rama.

3.  Babri Masjid occupied the site of Rama’s birth didn’t not arise until the 18th century
and that a temple was destroyed build the mosque was not asserted until the beginning
of 19th century. The full blown destruction of a temple that stood at the site of Ram’s
birth place and at Sita Ki Rasoi came as late as the 1850s. Since then, reconstruction
of “imagined history” based on faith started.
4.    Ayodhya Mahatmya (the merits of visiting Ayodhiya) given in the Skanda Purana was not compiled earlier than the 16th century, seems to prepared towards the end of 18th century or the beginning of the 19th century. Even if we accept the location of birth place of Rama as given in the Ayodhiya Mahatmya it doesn’t tally with the site of Babri Masjid. According to the Hindu belief as given in the Ayodhiya Mahatmya of the Skanda Purana, the birth place of Rama cannot be located on the site where the Babri Masjid stands. It is significant that the Janmasthami is not mentioned even once in any itinerary of pilgrimage given in the Mahatmya.

5.  The stone pillars are, in fact, embedded at the arch entrances in the massive walls of the mosque and stands at the floor level on the foundation walls constructed for the big building, Masjid. Since, black stones pillars are relatively short and slander, they cannot be load bearing of the temple. The placement of the pillars fits in the plan of the mosque and not of a Hindu Temple. So, this is wild hypothesis not backed any material evidence and is actually negated by the factual position easily verifiable from the existing structure of the Babri Masjid.

6.  The presence of animal bones throughout and the use of “surkh” (made form powder burnt bricks) and lime mortar (all characteristics of Muslim presents) rule out the possibility of Hindu temple having been there beneath the mosque.

7.  There was no Ram temple in the whole of Uttar Pradesh before the 17th century.

Some chronological facts:

i.   Babri Masjid constructed by Mir Baqi in 1528 AD.

ii.  The first conflict around this was in the late 19th century. Both communities continued offering prayers. It was in 1970s that the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) communalized the issue in order to drive a wedge between the two communities. This finally led to the destruction of the mosque.

iii. On the night of December 22, 1949, the idol of shri Ramchandraji was surreptitiously and wrongly put inside it.

iv. Destruction of Babri Masjid : December 26, 1949


Muslims never questioned the fact that Ayodhiya is sacred to Hindus, they never questioned the fact that Ram was born in Ayodhiya, and they never questioned the fact that Ram is divine to Hindus. Their only objection was to the exact place where Hindus belief was borne.

There is an explosion in the number of Hanuman temples in the capital. In the coming years
the govt. and the courts will not only be required to solve the problems of one Ram, but of
numerous Hanuman whole of temples have been mostly constructed on unauthorized land.

Yasin Kh