Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Cry of a Woman In Saddama's Detention Cell.

“They took me away from my home
They slapped me when I cried out for my children
They imprisoned me
They accused me to crime I had never committed
They interrogated me with their harsh accusations
They tortured me with their cruel hands
They stabbed out cigarettes on my flesh
They cut out my tongue
They raped me
They cut off my breast
I wept alone, in pain and in fear
They sentence me to die
They stacked me to the wall
I begged for mercy
They shot me between my eyes
They dumped my body in a shallow grave
They buried me without a shroud
After my death, they discovered I was innocent”

Thus a woman used to utter alone in the Cell No.:52 of the Detention Building in Baladiyat during the regime of Saddam Husssain. The above verses talk almost all about the nature of his regime. He is deserved, so far my rationality is concerned, for his execution by Bush regime. I really feel sorry for those victims for his regime. I feel pity for those women in the Detention building. The above excerpt is taken from “Mayada, the daughter of Iraq” by Jean Sasson.