Wednesday, September 26, 2012

What is the objective of the life of every organism ?

We all organisms struggle for survival,
Struggle for  existence !

Struggle for survival through what?
Struggle for survival through food!

Food for what?
Food for sex!

Sex for what ?
Sex for progeny!

Progeny for what?
Progeny for continuation!

Continuation itself is survival,
Survival itself is continuation!

Objective of life  of every organism is what?
It is nothing other than reproduction!

Do any organism tend to stop reproduction?
Any organism never does!

Does it feasible  if it happen so, like few elite human does ?
It is never feasible in the ecosystem of natural order!

Stop of reproduction is what?
It is nothing but stop of continuation!

Stop is reproduction is again what?
It is nothing but stop of survival!

Again, does any organism tend to stop survival?
It never happens so, else "struggle for existence" never existed !


Then, what stands for 'population control'?
It stands nothing for but the legitimate policy of mighty humans!

It is the selfish strategy of mighty humans to retain their max share of the bread.
It is the hegemony of small family by mighty humans will be accepted by all slowly.

It is the shallow mind of human beings
All done and doing are unintended and unpredicted !

How far this 'population control' will go?
This will go till its symptom emits in the order by nature !

Then what?
Shallow minds of humans may start thinking for resuming continuation!

Coming back, what is continuation?
It is nothing but survival or existence!

Existence is what?
It nothing but only progeny!

It is nothing but reproduction,
that can never be stopped nor slower !!


A naturalist view point--

We can control the population growth. Unfortunately, this is not allowed by the system of natural order. Corollary it does mean we cannot do this. The policy of population control is the policy of rich people who want to retain their existing major share of resource. This becomes the living style for everyone rich to poor. Although this is not sustainable at all. It is mere a decoration for short time who want to enjoy for short time just like fire-fly that enjoy flying into fire, knowingly/unknowingly, and dies out. 

Demographic Transition
Human being will not do like this, they will resume their reproduction rate like before. Or may continue the same small family living style, and the whole man kind population may dwindle slowly.  1st phase of the transition was natural, equilibrium of birth rate and death rate which was at higher rate that looks like sustainable (by deduction but not established). The 1st  phase was manipulated(through industrialization) by man and came to 2nd phase in which human face the problem of over crowded owing to industrialization.

Then, man again started thinking for manipulation of the growth(exploded) in 2nd phase also, and reach to 3rd phase of transition(matured industrialization phase) in which both birth rate and death rate low, equilibrium at far lower rate vis-a-vis 1st phase, which is again not sustainable for the human generation. This has already face in few countries who have obtain replacement rate of growth, the 4th phase. The number of such countries is adding by years such as China, will keep on adding. 

Human being will love to back to the 2nd phase of demographic transition, in which both birth rate(CBR, C=Crude) is higher than death rate(CDR), but it cannot be happen so when we all are internalized with 3th phase .

As for equity and disparity, this control can never be the solution. It is just a quick resort, just a mechanical solution for short term. The solution could be to share equally. Population growth per se is not a problem, but the desire to get major share by few is the problem. Population surplus will be check by nature itself through 'natural check' (Malthus theory of population) like natural calamities.  We are not dare to check ourselves, else we face the symptoms as we already have got it, as mentioned above.  

All these, as talked above, are perhaps because of man's manipulation with intended thought for short term enjoyment and turns out unpredicted consequences, or all bigoted like this kind of mind only someone who control us. So, perhaps, this can be a manipulation by someone who control the universe, as there is always death for whom is born.

"Man struggle for food and sex"      
                                                                             - Albert Einstein

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Is it fair one to regulate the food habit of others ?

Grown up with science but act like uneducated. It is quite difficult for me to understand the exact psychology of man that people have strong scientifically method of inquiry and making judgment, but why does it not happen with religious matter ?

We are born as Omnivore not as either Carnivore or Herbivore. We have canine teeth to eat meat, we have mole for both veg and non-veg, we have stomach to digest both veg and meat which unlike either in cat family which cannot digest vegetable or cow family animals which neither chew nor digest meat. We naturally follow the food chain, the trophic level of eating. All these are natural orders. 

We all know plants also do feel pain if we say that cows and other animals feel pain only the difference is the number of senses which the plants have four sense (there is commonly known) while we humans have five basic senses out of which 'touch' is genuinely common to both plants and animals.

Discriminating a living being based on the sense (and size) which can or cannot stimulate to our action is illogical, unscientific and beyond sympathy. It's discrimination in human terminology to speak broadly and all are same in front of this logical point of view; we are following just the natural path and source of trophic.  The point is that all these are in the system of food chain. We cannot distort this natural path of food chain. 

Why Muslims are prohibited to eat pork is that pork has lethal tapeworm that is difficult to kill at far high level of temperature of boiling which is beyond our common man's ability to cook at that much of high temperature. There is conditional flexibility in this Islamic law also that Muslims are allow to eat pork if there comes such a situation where there is no food to eat except pork. And, why Muslim take out blood of terrestrial animals called as halal way of killing is for the medical benefits while consuming the meat.

And, if we think of conserving the number or the family of the species whether we humans eat, say, the cow or not the cow or the animal will die of some or some other reason, we cannot save the animal from being dead. Many species which none of them are not the prey of human beings are endangered and many has come to brink of extinction while many has already extinct.

And, putting a law by a group of people to regulate the food habit of some other group of people is nothing but just the violation of their rights. I would call this Jungle Law which is visibly constructed  by a group of educated people for some vested interest. No man will not want to live under this kind of social contract. 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Indian School Syllabus: A big hole at primary, a bug at the top

Children of North East states of India which are in Chicken Head of India know a lot about many thing of Indian mainland. They know the difference between Old Delhi and New Delhi along with pictures even when they didn't went, some will not go even but few may. They know about Kanyakumari, they know about Tipu Sultan, they know about Tantia Tope, they know about Janshi, they know about Mysore and a lot more from East to West and North to South. 

Does children of mainland India know  anything about North East Indian States most of which joined in and around 1972?

This 1972 is neither yesterday nor day before yesterday; rather it is before New Economic Policy(NEP, 1991) which all students of both the sides know about, but not the geography of North East Region(NER) which was in and around 1972. Ask to a student of Delhi university, one of the most reputed University of India,  she/he will answer nothing correct, not necessarily everyone. It is my experience and perhaps for many student came from NER. It is because nothing about NER is in the syllabus of any central book either in secondary or higher secondary.

People of NER may not be considered as asset of property of India, but no doubt the territory is, I am sure.  Does there no right for the students of mainland India to know all about what is laying at least on the boundary of India? Students of mainland India is missing of the knowledge about the extreme north of India , i.e. Jammu and Kashmir, if so but with incorrect and outdated map and same is the case for the whole of Chicken Head i.e NER. It is called as Chicken Head because it looks like so, and NER is called to be connected at Chicken's Neck, that is the region of North Bengal which has the width of 22km in the west while it is 33km in the east, and also called as Siliguri Neck.

After all the point what I want to make is about the discrimination of the region from the syllabus of school children of mainland India. It is also a discrimination of school children that prevent them from knowing about the geography and history of NER.

Thus a student who don't know about NER may become a bureaucrat (please forget ICS), as happened in Delhi University who became graduate without having knowledge about NER. He may become an important politician of India, but still with lack of(basic-not internalized) knowledge until and unless he has extra interest to do so.

Ultimately he forget to care about the territory which fall in NER of India, which then becomes conducive for neighboring countries like China in the East (Arunachal Pradesh) and Pakistan in North (Jammu and Kashmir) to eat up Indian territory as slowly as candle burns up in course of decades long time, may reach the half of the candle but cannot regain the burned part once done.  The same is happened in Arunachal Pradesh that China called this Indian state is Southern Tibet after being eaten up thousand of kilometer of the state. India cannot regain this eaten up portion once eaten.  

This is the symptom of the hole which we find in the primary level and confronting now at planning level and still they, as they don't knowledge about NER, don't find any sustainable solution to fix the bug in Indian boundary. Seems India will be it is as it was until it is fixed at primary level but not at international level.