Monday, May 28, 2012

Is INDIA the meaning of BHARAT ?

Is India the meaning of Bharat ? A child will answer it as N0. INDIA is geographical name while BHARAT is mythical name, that does not prove its existence anywhere, that does not connect with any of the tangible feature of the nation and that does not valid to represent the whole nation by geography. A rational mind who belief in the existence by prove will ever hesitate to take the name BHARAT rather than INDIA. BHARAT does not define neither religion nor geography of the nation. 

Its sounds ambiguous in the nomenclature of the nation when there is two name for one country which are of different meaning that denote two kind of people who will use the name between the two i.e. INDIA and BHARAT. What is the logic of naming a country, I don't know, that changes its name when the language changes, meaning BHARAT in Hindi while it is INDIA in English where both is not the meaning of one another?

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Follow the culture of the lane you visit...!!

There is one maxim in Manipur that "if we go to a lane, we have to follow the culture of the lane". Here the point is whats the wrong to maintain some modesty rule of the lane if you know that there is a threat if you don't do so. In fact, what the oufit you think modest is not in manipur also. Thats double standard which is beyond the accpetable moral (among Manipuries) at all.

Then why here, what is the reason to  (why you...) oppose when police officers ask you (she) to maintain the modesty level of the place you are living now (Delhi or similar place). The standard law of liberty cannot be applied anywhere across the globe same-to-same, meaning there is the need of the model of laws and regulation to apply according to the  'local settings' of the place concerning. This is internationally accepted model of law and governance.  So, you may demand for justice, but you may not get. Example, many are raped in Delhi, but don't get justice, but blame the state as discriminatory, may be, but in many situations it is not. Therefore, please don't jump to western model of 'rights' at individual level, you may not get that in India, Delhi or anywhere. So, you need to maintain the culture of the lane you go.

And, in many cases as I have personnaly experinced in Delhi among Manipuries, the criminal case which is genuine in front of law may not be in moral terms, which is more important in our society. Example, its very shamefull to find many cases filed as rape case accusing the rapist, but morally she is the guilty in fact when we investigate deeper. This is Indian model of law in family courts that women's voice bear more weightage than that of men. Scientifically not true, but socially true by by general assumption.

Law can't see to the dept that we local people do, the truth which is morally fair and just. Thus it still remains a great negative impression in her environment, like me and many more, even when the case has filed as genuine rape case. Hope this does not happen among us in next time. Such cases tend to generalise local people as such cases are not morally genuine criminal cases.