Sunday, February 20, 2011

Unlawful marital life style !

When we use English if there is any grammatical error we say wrong, or no meaning. We cannot present it in our own style. The meaning is same in case of Islam pertaining to marital life style, when we tend to follow in our own hypothesis which is beyond the light of the holy script. Many highly educated humans of Quran, with their own perception, spend their marital life with other opposite gender who does not belong to Quran. But still, he being within the Book and she still being beyond the Book living under the same roof, which I term it as their own hypothesis, is one of the biggest sin of the Book. What the Book says is that he/she should be brought within the Book or if not possible let him/her quit from the same roof you live, and live happily with the correct formula of livelihood. Else a big sin! The Book challenges to mankind to produce a single Surah (chapter) that can be compared with that of the Book (Al-Quran 2.23-24), if we consider that we are intelligent enough to follow in our own perception /rationality /hypothesis.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Universal Religion

It will be very nice when, we keep in mind that "what I think is exactly happened to the second or the third person(or other person also); no matter the person is male or female in any situation of mind and in any case whether small or big, under any condition, anywhere". It can be applied, for instancely, in any relationship whether Romance or Friendship or likes, in crowded place, traffic jam, or in any case of other being. This is nothing but, what I want to term as Universal Religion. This is the way how the self be attracted to any being whether human or any other being.