Monday, March 29, 2010

No Money No Honey.....!!?

The last economic crisis which is also still persisting some of its trail hitted everywhere and every shpere of life leaving no stone unturned. It compelled many couple to divorce. It created many relationship broke up and it made many girls and ladies to deny kisses even in the bed. So, this uncoverable facts reveal that " No Money No Honey "...... !!!???

Sunday, March 28, 2010


None of the Quran's 6000- plus verses asks Muslims to establish Islamic rule in the world. Islam should be judged by the teachings of Quran and the Prophet's Hadiths, not through the acts of violence perpetrated by a handful of misguided elements who call themselves Jihadists who defame Islam.


Everybody have tensions over their relationships. This is call love. Happy peoples are those who try to solve the problems in the way their tensions are over. Another fact is that happy and tensions the two faces of same coin. This is call the natural order that we can't amend. Oops...!
Is this called life...!!?

Desire.. !!

The things we like we can't get. The things we don't like we get. The things we doesn't enjoy last long. The things we enjoy doesn't last long. Is this call the natural order? Is this call the life...?