Saturday, February 1, 2014

School and Village Community- Case Study

Quit often we fail to realise the essence of the development of a school and a village, i.e. the relationship and the mutual support between the two.  What seen as natural are either villagers leave alone the school and children or put the all liability to school staffs. There was a stiff protest from the school teachers when education minister order to manage school including grants only through School Management Committee (MSC) in Manipur. The basic reason why private school are success to deliver quality education (as consumer considers-observational) is the involvement of parent either as Voice or Exit, which is clear business model. Government schools also provide space to involve parents to make voice, through formation of SMC which in most of the time schools try best not to let community know about it. Absence of this committee allows the school staff to bear no liability.  In its presence also the community fail to harness its purposes- foster relationship between the village community and school, leverage resources from the village development resources or vice versa and quality education for their children. One real case study, which I have already produced to my KCCI, Unicef colleagues at Most Significant Change (MSC) story training session, is given below which compiled from the primary information I have collected from Bihar, the detail is given in the case study itself. The case study can be read keeping in mind the following four questions as base of enquiry to the case study:

1.       What is the purpose of a school within a village?
2.       What are the roles of village community in school?
3.       Who should be involved to management a school efficiently?
4.       What are the social and structural impacts of school in the village?

Ram Gopal (name changed) is the president of School Management Committee (SMC) for the school Middle School (MS) Khor in the block Madhepur in Madhubani district. He is a passionate social worker dedicated for the development of school and the village as whole. Before be become president of School Management Committee (SMC) he was a member of Village Disaster Management Committee (VDMC). VDMC is a group of villagers that include local electives and villagers formed under the norm of the sub programme called Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction (CBDRR) under the main programme Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) being implemented by UNICEF. Similarly School Safety Programme (SSP) is a sub programme being implemented in the schools.

When Ram Gopal becomes the SMC president of the Middle School (MS) Khor the number of teacher was very less and most of the teachers were from outside the village including the Head Master. Gopal himself was a student of the same school and has some emotional attachment with the school, perhaps which is why he is determined bring a leap-jump change in the school.

In order to bring the changes in the school he understood the importance of the involvement of Head Master (HM) of the school. He motivated the HM to the extent possible for his significance in the development of the school.

He initiated talk about the issues of the school with the teachers and HM specially. He convinced the HM that the school is very backward, the condition of the school is very bad and the need for his cooperation. One day Gopal sat with HM and from the view point of both SSP and CBDRR they started talking on the problem tree of the school. They first picked up the serious issue of enrolment. Sometimes children comes in the school is only three. They went to the villages and catch the children from the village and enrolled them in the school. And also the children who enrolled in the school but do not come in the school are taken back to the school. This bring the children back to the school was done through launching a campaign for enrolment by the students who are the members of School Disaster Management Committee which is formed under SSP. This committee includes all children from Bal Sansad (BS), Meena Manch (MM) and representatives from all classes. Bal Sansad is children parliament while Meena Manch is girl platform in the school. These BS and MM are the norms of participatory model in Sarva Sikhsha Abhiyan (SSA).

When the problems are identified and started addressing they putted Mid-Day-Meal (MDM) in the priority list. There was no kitchen properly and hence it was like MDM was not there properly. They made the kitchen outside the school and started proper functioning of MDM. When MDM comes in the picture what followed is the Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH).  There are hand-pumps but not all were working. As the number of children has increased even using bucket does not served the purpose with two hand-pumps. Therefore involving SDMC, HM and Ram Gopal himself made plan for new hand-pump and with support from block education office the hand-pump is installed now.

There was no hospitable building to accommodate all the children enrolled. There was only two rooms and with risky roof.  SDMC and school authorities made a plan for new building with request to district education officer. They got approval of the budget of Rs.45000 for the building which is constructing now.  Earlier the school was constructed with lower floor which could be easily affected by flood from the water of either Bagmati or Kosi river. So, they have increased the height of the floor of the building destructing the earlier one. For just to increase the floor of the school they needed to talk to BDO and Engineer who were given approval by for the increase of height of the school floor.

There was no Almirah in the office because of which files were laying here and there. They increased the content of the library. They brought First Aid box also. Through the help of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) they did soil filling in the campus to prevent from water logging. The successful idea of land filling using the fund of MGNREGA is credited to the simultaneous running of SSP and CBDR in the same village by integrating both in School Development Plan (SDP), which is a norm of Sarva Siksha Abhiyan.

This whole change was brought by the mobilization of school community and village community from the angle of DRR by Samajik Chetna Kendra (SCK) by leveraging the resources from School Development Plan. Ram Gopal is also part of SCK in which he leads the things in addition to being president of SMC. It is the only organisation which is working in close with children and villagers from time to time as per need as a grass-root agency which is delivering the DRR. They keep orienting the children of the school and villagers through campaigns for awareness.  From government side, they get help from Block Officers, Cluster Officers, District Officers, Zilla Parishad, District Disaster Management Authority and politicians. They have the liaising upto state level.

Now the whole people both within the village and outside the village acknowledged the changes in the Khor village. People in other neighbouring villages including press people aware of the programmes like SSP and CBDR both of which they integrate with School Development Plan which  is why the village of Ram Gopal is now developed in terms of the tangible and intangible aspects of the relationship between school and village. People from other villagers requested to the workers of SCK to start these programmes. People from other villages also aware of the children committees formed in the school and its role in the development both in the school and village. This is because of which they want to run in their villages also, so that development is brought like in Ram Gopal’s intervention village. They requested to the workers of SCK to make campaigns in their villages through children for the awareness such as for school enrolment, child marriage, housing scheme and toilet construction schemes etc.

When there is school ceremonies and children fare, peoples from around the villages come to see the programmes. Children of the school do street-plays and mock-drills, and children from other places also come to see these and join sometimes. Children who are the friends of the children learning in MS Khor tell to their teachers and thus teachers and community come and requested to Ram Gopal to run this kind of programmes in their villages also. Thus, this village has become a model and example of development in the area and also thus this village has built relationship with other villages. There has in fact developed a lot, Gopal said.

Everything is just started in the last two years. The school is hundred years all. What was not in the school for the last hundred years is now in the school in the last two years. He challenged that the development brought in the school is nowhere in the block except this school. This school has become a topic of discussion in the region that why and how this school has developed so fast. The school got even proposal for Model School but Head Master declined and returned to District Officers due to lack of teachers.

Whatever the programmes comes at Panchayat level are all discussed in the public meeting. Panchayt Mukhya, Purn Mukhya, Amina Khatun (name changed), Rema Devi (name changed), all are in full contribution, they kept the school programme in top priority and completes quickly. From Panchayat they get help like campus filling through MGNREGA as mentioned above, the road from the village to the school was not commutable which is under now constructed. It is the road through which children come to school. Ram Gopal felt that the involvement of Panchayat is very important. And without SMC president all these developments are next to impossible.

Monday, January 20, 2014

WRITING: A Challenge

A taxi driver who do not have any academic degree also have good ideas (at least in his field) but putting thoughts, ideas, imaginations and reflections or whatever into a structure is the challenge, no doubt.

The world around us is 
surrounded by problems and issues. 
But how to frame an issue 
putting into a structure is the challenge.

Given a topic and write on that 
is not a challenge that much.
Even if you normally sings when
somebody ask you to sing
any song of your choice,
choosing the best possible is the challenge yet.

Once started putting the ideas into 
the Zig is not a challenge but 
how to start and what to end with is the challenge.  
No one born with the skill 
but overcomes the challenge 
through practice from small.

Nothing is new to anyone either writer or the reader. 
But the challenge is how to make the commonly seen
as new by putting fresh perspective. 
It is not a challenge to write when 
there is an external compulsion, 
but the challenge is write from the intuition/ internal desire.

You may have many ideas as you discover yourself 
when you debate with friends or write a 
comment of paragraph length online. 
But a mere comment does not fulfill 
to be a complete idea/ knowledge or view 
but only when you put into structure 
with a beginning and a conclusion.

Expressing in this way, writing checks 
the degree and quality of your thought process. 
The thing about which you write and 
the way you express through this medium defines 
what kind of mind-set you possess. 
What you express by writing tells 
the way you see the world around you.

In other way, it could be the 
exposure of your inner voice. 
It tells your private and public appearance 
and your life as whole- are you the kind of personality 
who needs personal/private space wherever you go/live, 
to find solitude to gather your ideas 
collected through your eyes and ears!?

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Human Rights Violation by militants in Manipur

There are thousands to raise voice against human rights violation by state force. On other side there are hundreds and thousands of victims in Manipur whose human rights have been seriously violated by non-state entity-militants. How many are there to raise voice for those victims? No one, I guess!
I am born and brought up in Manipur in a village which was ruled by a militant group for many years, till the leader of the militant was killed by his fellow militant in the paddy field of the village where he used killed many. It is a story some fifteen years back. I was childhood when he was the ruler of the village. During his time it was not uncommon to see dead body lying in paddy field seeing which we ran back screaming.  Everyone in the village lived a life of fear and insecurity throughout till his death. Everyone’s believed was that there is no one who can protect from militants. During the time houses made with thatched roof was common not because they don't have money to make with tin but because everyone had the fear that if they demand for ransom seeing tin roof house considering to be rich. Many had to hide their wealth practically. Very few had motorbikes the time.  Everyone has the fear that anytime they can come and pick from any house and they hardly used to return. My family also had a motorbike that time. We also had the same fear.  My family used to hide our bike in the lonely house of my old aunty, sister of my father who was quite old. This is not case of my family but a representative of what was not only in the village but across the state. In case the bike does not return and if the owner wants to contact them he will be called to their (militant) camp. Many people who went to take their bike from militant never returned back home or returned hardly with bike but with some gun shot.
Being a child I had the feeling that there was no government in the state who can tackle these issues. There was no one who can overcome or rule over them.  It was the time state was in weakest condition. No employee had the belief that they will get their salary every month. Salaries were used to dispense after multiple months. People were in misery from two side- first, everyone had financial issues no matter family has government employee or not and second, the insecurity of fear of who could the next target of militants. Manipur’s market economy is formed by circulation starts from government salary, so when there is salary delay whole market faces the problem. Salary delayed by two to three months for all employees is not uncommon in Manipur. Everyone becomes poor in this situation. Just imagine what could be the situation for those employees whose salary is delayed by six months.
Manipur is surrounded and protected by mountains and hills. This rough and dense vegetation is the safety heaven for militants.  My school was on a top of a small hill, and it is in the hilly region of the state. It is more than 40 km away from my home towards south which is almost near to Myanmar border. This is the region which was completely ruled by militants. All along the road they had strong presence openly hanging beautiful guns on their shoulders. Every beginning of the month is commonly the time for salary. They used to loot buses in those days. Friends of the locality, where my school locates, used to speak of having relations with militants to show their might. Our school had to follow their ruling many a times even though it was the central school in which militants rulings are hardly followed. It is not a new discovery that in the campus every teacher has to pay some percentage of their salary to militants in the form of tax, which they called it so. This is also not the case of my school, but across Manipur ranging from small employee to high level government officials. The situation this form of taxing has become much better as the salaries through bank account introduced lately. The presence of militants in the region of my school was drastically reduced only after there was a military operation in Sagik Tampak, a region border to Myanmar. It is an easy transit for militant between Myanmar and Manipur. Similar operations in many parts of Manipur by Indian military have made to reduce the militant count drastically and their local bases in the state.
Demand Letter is one of the most common phrases associate with militants that each and every citizen of all age familiar with. If any of the militant group finds a family or person who looks to be rich they send letter for extortion for an amount which is really difficult.
This Demand Letter is not for few sections of rich people but for all categories of people. Demand Letters are written in beautiful language which sounds acceptable, in the form of donation or help for the existence of the militant group. For failure of the negotiation for ransom or extortion amount the victim have to close the business or face some gun-shots, or dead or disappearance, which militants term this act as warakpa in Manipur, meaning punishment. They do not spare even small to big shops in the city. There is no one to challenge on the point of gun. This is one of the main reasons why Manipur do not have big business or industry. They will demand ransom from government infrastructure contractors kidnapping relevant peoples. The work closes down or continues but directly affect quality of the infrastructure and we blame government. Many infrastructure projects are just rejected or dump down because of these reasons. Government has also nothing to do on the point of gun.  This was not the case of few but was something rampant across the state. There was 10s and 100s of reported and unreported killing and disappearance of innocent peoples just on the ground of failure of negotiation of ransom.
The militants became so powerful that they started direct interference in the government processes. In the name of corrupt process of teachers’ selection by government, one militant group directly interfered ceasing all the process and they started sorting out which candidate was appointed transparently and which were not. It does not mean they did good job, they also did the same corrupt job and many innocent employees lost their jobs. This is not the only, but they extensively give their verdict on many schools and colleges and even government departs in different ways and contexts, and all have to follow it because everyone fear of bullet. This was the most ideal example of dead of Manipur Government.
Militants’ ruling on society in connection with students unions have directly affected the normal life of every section of the society ranging from individual to institutions. When I was Delhi University I came to know that every student union is backed by political parties, whereas in Manipur every student union is backed by their respective militant group as I have experienced this while I was in Dhanamanjuri College of Arts, Imphal. Student bodies backed by militant groups impose strike and bands for many days and even months. This directly affects the education in the state seriously. Any school or college hardly can complete their academic syllabus in time and students coup up with tuitions. This directly and seriously affect the income of marginal earners specially the women street vendors and economy and functionaries of the state as whole. Unfortunately there has never been any such government who can overcome such disturbances till today.    
Militancy was emerged not because of existence of army and AFSPA, and violation of human rights in Manipur but it was evolved from the society within. Leave aside the merging of Manipur with India Union to be the reason for militants raise. Insurgency became a serious common disease fifteen to twenty years back. People use to take help militants to take revenge or to make something done on gun point even for pity matter. Even for small matters like an issue of girlfriend, youths had the intention to join militant group and take revenge. Militants were the handiest tool for politicians during election, just like goons are used by local politicians in other part of India. It may not be wrong to say that all big politicians had relations with militants either for their protection from other militant group or to get their jobs done in gun point. In Manipur, each community have their militant groups. There is competition among communities, especially between majority and minority. Therefore, there is always a psych of communalism among militant groups, mainly between militants of majority community and minority community. This kind of tension was quite strong around twenty years ago, which is quickly fading now owing to losing public support. Taking life of innocent people is never a fresh news in the local newspapers followed by mass protest against the killings and public demand to government to find out the culprit militant. Such demand to government to find out accused militant is never a meaningful unless the accused is civilian.
When we return back home and if we meet security forces we feel safe, and unfortunately if we find militant on the way we feel we are going to happen something wrong, either they will snatch our belongings mainly money, bike or mobile. Manipur is the land where its native people live with fear and insecurity from its own people. The examples I mentioned above are no exhaustive but few. There are hundreds of literature on insecurity and turmoil created by militants in Manipur. I am not citing any of them, as I am talking being a citizen of Manipur. We all are victims of militants but we few, if not mass protest, cannot speak out against the acts of militants because they make attack us.
Now it is rested on you to answer who violates more of the human rights of common man in Manipur.
When you think for the few sections of people whose rights have been violated by security forces and if you don’t consider for the lakhs of people whose rights have violated and threatened by militants, by logic, you have some vested interest on militancy or some ideology.
The voice against human rights violation by security forces and consequently demand to repeal AFSPA is, by corollary, the voice for militants who violates the rights of lakhs of people in the state. I don’t mean AFSPA is the solution, but should find better that solve for the both sections of people.
I believe that cause for majority of people is more important than that of the cause of few peoples unless they are of independent issues that the solution of one does not affect the cause of the other.

The people of the state do not want security forces to be withdrawn, other than their stray unwanted actions. Rather, people of the state want, as does by me, my family, my villagers, my friends and everyone in the state, a complete elimination of militancy from the soil of Manipur, the land of jewels, to lead a life of peace, freedom and prosperity.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Global Internship: International Development Organisations

When I was in M.A. programme I hardly thought of doing internship with international development organisations. I could see the similar situation with almost all of the friends in my batch. I was looking up for best possible Indian origin organisation that suits with my area of work of my internship is, as everyone does.
I went with my own research design but it was not able to fit exactly into their system with what I wanted to. Agencies cannot attend me with my own set of work in case that is not useful or directly related with their ongoing work. So, I had to follow their verdict. No matter what happened what I want or not, the credit and experience is there still. So, no matter you make your design of work for internship its better you choose the best agency relevant with your area of study. When I mean best agencies I would consider international agencies. It doesn't mean they are always better than Indian origin ones. As per my experience I would suggest for international agencies either based in India or abroad.
Yes, understanding the Indian grass-root context is also very important for which you can do in the first internship, called as Field Immersion. The rest second and third internship should be focused in the areas of the sector your future is. Coming to the point, there are two most important things which you gain best from international agencies, which is also the purpose of internship is, that is the reputation of the agency that will give weight to your profile and the personal learning in terms of theory and practices.
In international agencies I am sure you will gain high quality knowledge of practices of your academic tools and new theories you didn’t learn from your curriculum. They generally follow the theories and practices of International Development course structure out of which we cannot find some in Indian curriculum, both in UGC curriculums of MSW and M.A. Development in Azim Premji University. The purpose of pursuing an academic degree is to gain the perspective while your practical aptitude gains from the field or outside the class. From international agencies I am sure will get quality practical aptitude. I have learnt high quality result oriented reporting style of big project which I never learnt in my class, as an example of my case. In theoretical front international agencies will give you a scope to learn globally used methods and tools that are not taught in Indian curriculum.
Say, in development effectiveness I have learnt only few specially the LogFrame and few more like project cycle management and measuring development. When I am exposed to UN system I am also exposed to new stuffs like Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (PME) at higher level and Results Framework and Result Base Management (RBM). Result Framework (RM) is another similar tool of LogFrame, but we generally ignore this tool, because we bother more of successful operation and process of a project rather than results of the project/intervention. In UN and other international system results are priority of their intervention. And RBM is the supplementary of RM. These are quite relevant to systematic review of effect and impact evaluation which I am also exposed to. Had I with some Indian agency I would not have exposed to these theoretical and practical tools. 
Apart from the practical tools, for development practitioner professionals a high level of professionalism is one of the soft skill asset added in your profile. Professional behaviour and ethics are few of the most demanded in reputed international agencies apart from the functional capabilities. These are hardly checked in small development organisations. Professional behaviour has lot of impact on the overall system of the institution and hence affects the objective of the institution. I found very unprofessional ethics in many Indian development institutions. I never want you work under any project/programme manager who sound you know more than her/him. I never want you to land on those organisations, where your presence is just reduced to a mere student rather than a staffs which is not an uncommon in many Indian organisations.
It is more or less easy to find a right match of Indian organisation either yourself or with the help of relevant faculties. But it is not the case for international organisations. You are not to get discourage saying this because there are lot out there for internship and every organisation has space for internship.  To start, you need to keep researching in the category of agency working in the sector you wish to do internship. It takes time and hence it is better you start as advance as possible, like just at the beginning of the semester. In this internet world I guess don’t need to suggest. You can do just by typing your key words, e.g. ‘’international organisations working in India in transparency”, or “internship in UN in India” and so on. Or you can get notifications about internship of international agencies at, for example. I would not suggest you always stick only within the territory of Indian for internship. You may even try for abroad given that you have necessary stuffs like Passport (and Visa).
I would always suggest everyone have Passport at the beginning of your Masters Programme. Indian students always tend to stick in India only with the thinking that India is poor and why should I go to other country. Yes, correct! But the idea of internship is not for work but for temporary work experience. Getting an international exposure is not an easy job. Getting this for the purpose of internship is far easier than any other way, I guess, during student hood. Generally internships are not more than three months, so there is no worry for loss of classes. You may first make up your mind about finance; it is generally paid even though they mention it is unpaid, although you should try to find paid ones. Just types in Google as you are handy with to search.
After all, to conclude, why I want you to be global is that I want your perspective to be global and your tools to be international standard. I never meant you go and work there. When I was in Manipur I didn’t know anything about Manipur at top level of the system but I know all these when I started looking from Delhi, capital of everything of India. An exposure and having a hawk eye over the issue seems more effective, for me. So, having such global experience and international standard of functional tools and professionalism will definitely help you work better when you go back to you native soil to become a meaningful change agent who can bring smile on the faces of the community.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Street Vendors in Manipur: Issues and solutions

The issue of street vendors are almost same across India, space for vending and harassment by either police or municipal authority.  Manipur considered as one of the city which have a good model of street vendor market in India. Even though, Manipur also have an unending problem due to increasing number of vendors and limited space for vending in the Imphal City. There is unending cases for inhumane treatment of vendor by police, collection of money and so on. For the last couple of year there is an increasing trend of agitation of street vendors for unequal treatment of licensed and non-licensed who used to sit in the same place before the construction of the new buildings in the same place. All these arose due to lack of proper management of by Municipal authority and the Government after all. The paper takes on sustainable solutions for the issues of street vendors in Imphal, Manipur. The article starts with describing about street vendors and cases across India  followed by the case of street vendors in Manipur and concludes with recommendations.
 An street vendor is broadly defined as a person who offers goods for sale to the public without having a permanent built-up structure from which to sell. Street vendors may be stationary in the sense that they occupy space on the pavements of other public/private spaces or, they may be mobile in the sense they more from place to place by carrying their wares or push carts or in basket on their heads or similar kind of.
Lack of gainful employment coupled with poverty in rural area has pushed people out of their villages in search of a better existence in the cities. These migrations do not possess the skill or the education to enable them to find better paid and secure employment in the formal sector and owing to this reason they have to settle for work in the informal sector itself.
 Scenario of street Vendors across India 
In India percentage of street vendors account for about 2.5 during 2005 and now this must have increased now. The very high growth in the numbers of street vendors could be seen clearly after the 1991 when India implemented the new economic policy, Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation. According to a study done by National Alliance of Street Vendors of India (NASVI) across few of metro cities including Imphal in North East apart of Metros they could find similar pattern in terms of their earning, their living standard and the challenges they face from state. They earn from Rs.50 to Rs.80 per day, in this women earn less than males, Rs.40 to Rs.60 per day. Street vendors across the country are majorly worked under gruel condition. They face harassment either from Municipal Cooperation or Police or both. Police take ransom from the vendors who do not have license to sit.  Therefore their protection is the issue across India.
Review of other’s works
One of the biggest external challenges is the insecurity of street hawkers/vendors. Police is the factor insecurity for street vendors. They are threatened to be evicted, beaten by stick like animal and confiscate goods by police in almost every cities of India.
There are some reasons based on which atrocities by police is justified by police- road capacities reduces in the process of buying and selling which adds another problem over the existing problem of congestion of traffic with the increasing population. Street vendors also make dirty in different ways. But these reasons are baseless because street vendors alone does not play the role of making road dirty and congested, rather depend a lot on the how it is manage. Municipality tax from vendors is to clean the road.
Whatever the reason we cannot evict street vendors from the roadside unless they are provided alternative because they also have their fundamental right. They are part of the economy, part of the society which we neither ignore their cause nor indifferent to them. Before the modern markets come they already had been with the markets. They continued the same profession from their fathers and mothers. The one who have been with the same profession of street vending for the last 20 year will not be possible to shift to some other new profession forcefully. It looks like the discrimination of poor both who are selling and buying while considering the rich who move fast by vehicles. The Article 14 of Indian constitution states that the state shall not deny to any person before the law or the equal protection of the laws within the territory of India. The Article 19(1)(g) states that all citizens shall have the right to practice or to carry on any occupation, trade or business. Furthermore, the Article 21 (Protection of Life and Personal Property) states that no person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to procedure established by law. The above mentioned constitutional rights provide the protection of the street vendors but ignore by authorities which are in nearest to street vendors.
We can look into few cases to see the stand of Supreme Court.  In the case of Sodan Singh and Others vs. New Delhi Municipal Committee and Others (1989 Indlaw SC 213) the fundamental question that was addressed was whether the rights provided in Article 19(1)(g) and Article 21 of the Constitution be restricted by the government under the Article 19(6) of the Constitution. The Supreme Court held that vendors have the right to carry out their business for their livelihood on the roadside, as long as they do not interfere with the rights of the other people (Sundaram, 2010).  But the fact is that a poor man cannot demand for fundamental right for a small space in the area where the purpose is meant for movement as whole. This is still one justification which police and municipal authorities use. In the case of Bombay Hawkers’ Union and Others vs. BMC and Others (1985 Indlaw SC 191) SC provides certain guidelines for the government and hawkers. Hawkers/vendors are not allowed to make any permanent structure and were expected to cooperate with Municipal Corporation in keeping the roads clean. And the government was advised to demarcate hawking zones to avoid discomfort with other user of the road. The similar order was given in the case of Municipal Corporation of Delhi vs. Gurnam Kaur (1988 Indlaw SC 703) that hawker’s and non-hawker’s zone may be created to avoid forceful squatting of the vendors and SC ordered, as the main theme of the case, against the vendors that there was no threat to their life by the removal of their stall. In the case of Gulamali Gulamnabi Shaik vs. Municipal Commissioner (1986 GLH 616) SC directed that the government to frame rules and regulation for vendors for providing the license and spaces to let them carry out their business.
In the above discussed cases we can see the issues of regulation of places for carrying out business for vendors, regulation of items of vending, regulation and procedures of eviction of vendors, issues of bribery, extortion, and harassment of street hawkers and rehabilitation and relocation of vendors. The solutions of the above issues are the need of the hour in order to solve the problem of congestion and cleanliness rather than force disappearance of street vendors. One such step in response to the above issues is the National Policy for Urban Street Vendors, 2004 (2009 and 2012 is not discussed here). Section 4.2.1 of the policy suggests enough space should be given for vendors at least to the extent of 2-2.5% of the total city population. Under section 4.1.1 vendors are expected to register and should be monitor by concern authority. Section 5 provides safeguard to the vendor from confiscation. In addition, section 8 of the policy discusses the insurance and financial issues of the hawkers.
The policy looks like the issues discussed above have been solved but there has been little change in the status of the street vendors so far. The Policy neither does have any (future) enforcement mechanism nor any roadmap or time frame for the result of the policy. The policy mentioned for changing the Section 283 and 431 of Indian penal Code (IPC) and municipal acts in conformity with the new policy in order to enable the policy implemented on the ground. These two sections are used by the authority against the hawkers either for good motive or for their benefit that creates fear to the hawkers which is the greatest challenge of the hawkers. For example, highly authoritarian and arbitrary act is found in the Bihar Police Act Section 34 which states that Police can punish any one causing obstruction, annoyance or inconvenience to the public. The point is that before changes in such highly authoritarian acts the Policy of Urban Street Vendors will go not so far in solving the above mentioned issued.
Case of Manipur
After a long time hardship confronting inclement weather to earn daily livelihood women street vendors in different parts of Khwairamban Bazaar and its surrounding areas had shifted to the temporary Market sheds starting from February 2011 onwards.  The markets around Khwairamban Market from where the vendor shifted to the temporary market sheds are Naga Nullah, Chakkri Kom, East of Sessions Judge Court, Maharani Bridge and along the stretch of BT flyover. According to The Sangai Express, a local newspaper, the total number of license that the Imphal Municipal has issued to the street vendors in Naga Nullah, Chakkri Kom, East of Sessions Judge Court, Maharani Bridge and BT flyover area is 984, while the number of the street vendors who have no license and allotted space for selling their wares in the open market is 497. The number of non-license street vendors in and around Maharani Bridge is around 400. So, in all a total number of 897 non-license street vendors allotted space in the temporary market sheds. The major problem here is extra number of non-license street vendors and the clash among them during the allotment of the seats. This problem is still continue and is the issue of street vendors.
Cause of the issue
The Imphal Municipal Council made the surveys of unlicensed vendors sitting on street vendors in the beginning of 2010. The survey has recorded 3, 882 street vendors through photographs. They have been sitting for more than the last 15 years and they have been identified by the survey but license was not given to them. Street vendors including both licensed and non-licensed from Purana Bazaar, Lakshmi Market and New Market have signed a Memorandum Of Understanding (MoU) dated, 19/04/05 with government of Manipur. The MoU states that a permanent structure comprising basement, ground floor and first floor will be built at the place of the markets. The MoU also promises that the ground floor of the built structure will be given to the licensed vendors. There was also an understanding that the first floor will be given to the non-licensed vendors and the basement will be used for parking. During the time when the market structure were constructed the vendors were working in the temporary vending sites and the road sides surrounding of the markets structure.
The constructions of buildings were completed last year. The markets were inaugurated on 12/11/2010 by the chairperson of UPA government and the National Advisory Council, Mrs. Sonia Gandhi. The licensed vendors were allotted any place on the ground floor of the women markets. The non-licensed vendors were no allotted any place in the newly built market buildings. In spite of women markets laying vacant the vendors are forced to vend on the roadsides surroundings of the women markets.   It is not disclosed why the first floor of the constructed market is not allotted for vending for the non-licensed vendors, if done so it could dissolve all agitations from the vendors. Instead of this, government is investing money on construction of new markets at Lamphel which very far from the main Business District Zone. This new market place is meant for non-licensed vendors, and  who got license are allotted in the main building, Ima Keithel (Bazaar) , which is in the middle of the business zone, where all buyers come here itself. This new market in Lamphel is the area where hardly buyers will go there. Displacement of non-licensed vendor who have been vending in Ima Keithel for multiple years to such an area where there is no business establishment is not fair and it is against equal treatment of the vendors between licensed and non-licensed. Government is spending money on construction of new other buildings to accommodate the vendors which is increasing at the number of one lakh per annum. The main reasons for sudden agitations by non-licensed street vendors are because of the harassment by police on regular basis, taking money by city police from the roadside vendors most of them are non-licensed vendors, eviction and destroy of materials and they are exposed to all kinds of weather ranging from rainy and to sunny. It is not possible for the non-licensed vendors to sit in the rainy days while this is not the case for those who got sit in the new building of Ima Keithel.
Policy Options
The policy options which are going to address the problem of unrest between municipal and non-licensed street vendors need to cover the equity, equality, rights and identity and interest of the street vendors.  There already had the solution in order to arrest the increasing agitation of the street vendors, but this was not happened because the policy options were not based on equality and equity among the licensed and non-licensed vendors. Municipal council wants all non-licensed vendor out of the main business zone while all licensed vendors are putted in the main business area. This was also one of the reasons for the agitation for vendors. It is not a legal right but many of those non-licensed vendors who could not get seat in the Ima Keithel have been sitting in the Ima Keithel before displacement was happened for the reconstruction of the market. They were displaced promising that they will also be placed in the same area, Ima Keithel, which was not happened at all. And, in addition, most of the non-licensed vendors are from Muslim and Christian community which are minority in communities in Manipur. Whereas, majority of licensed vendors, administrator in Municipal Council and Police are dominantly of Majority community. The current system of management looks discriminatory. . Because, Not only the partial treatment of non-licensed vendors by Municipal Council but also badly treated by Police in which most of the victims are belongs to minority community who come from far villages. Because of the distance they come from they are comparatively new chronologically in the market. Thus a matter of identity also came into the picture while making a sustainable solution for non-licensed street vendors. Altogether, for a sustainable solution a participatory and informed decision making should be backbone of policy and planning regarding the issue of street vendors.
The options feasible for the solutions under the above mentioned framework is a holistic approach of urban planning from the economic development and congestion reduction point of views. It is very important to provide the space for vending in the main business zone as the area had been attached with history of Manipur and keeping this point throughout the planning process will serve the above mentioned framework. In this context we cannot give any role to any non-state agency to find solution because non states cannot enter this because of disturbance from the militants and if there is involvement of Non-governmental Development Organisations (NGDOs) that will not be sustainable. Therefore, it is the state government only who can provide the solution for this problem of street vendors. The only options available are to provide proper space for vending which is suitable for all kinds of weather and there will no harassment from the police and Municipal Council.
The first option is to construct a market in the area where now it is parking space. This will accepted by all vendors as it is within the main business zone for the present solution. This will stop the agitation of street vendors. This solution serves the above framework. But this is not sustainable solution for the increasing number of vendors. For the parking, the architecture of the building itself can accommodate the parking space. This solution will serve as an idea of natural market in the area. In fact the area itself is a natural market before the construction of the building as part of renovation. So, it is always recommended to maintain a natural market for vendors in order to solve the issues of conflict between vendors and Police and Municipal Council. It is not understood why the first floor is not given any seat to any vendor, and now laying vacant. Allotting seat in this floor also will solve a half of the problem of agitation by vendors in the short term.
Another option is to diffuse the central business zone (CBZ) in such a way that the main vendors’ zone around Ima Keithel is kept intact while the rest of the roadside shops such as Showrooms and Cinema Halls along the Paona Bazaar and Thangal Bazaar are driven out slowly. This is will expand the spatial extent of demand behavior geographically. This will make conducive for business to construct other vending markets in future in some other areas within the expanded zone as the market inertia has created by these driven out shops. In the case of Lamphel, market inertia is not yet created by any form of business which could be business inertia for street vendors. This is the reason Lamphel vending market is not accepted by vendors as it is very far from the main business zone because there demand behavior is very low, and vendor will get any profit from the business. The expansion of CBZ through big shops will serve as a model to reduce congestion in the city which now one of the most issue in the city mainly around the Ima Keithel while providing the space to agitating street vendors. Apart from infrastructural, the formation of Town Vending Committee (TVC) (as suggested in Street Vendors Policy, 2009), as already there in other name, and the inclusion of street vendors from all communities is should be made compulsory. As mentioned above, a participatory model of decision that includes all stakeholders should be the core of policy and planning process. These are some of the most recommendation for a sustainable solution to the issue of street vendors in view of the increasing number of street vendors and the city as whole.
Ill management of the city and corruption caused a lot of unrest among the street vendor and chaos in the delivery of the services to the vendors because of which the livelihood of the vendors are affected seriously for a long time and hard to imagine what could be the problem in their families consequently. Just by constructing market building will not solve without keeping in mind the above framework- equity and equality, inclusive and participatory, communal context and transparency. It is important to approach the solution with a holistic view. It is not made understood why the first floor is not allotted any seat and there is no involvement of vendor during the planning of the market. The construction and planning for the street vendors should be from the perspective of the business of the small and marginalised street business. Hence creating business inertia through big shops first in view of small vendors is very important. Formation of a functional Town Vending Committee (reorganisation of the existing one) inclusive of vendors from all communities should be compulsory. Transparency is not in the current policy and management of Municipality, which should transparent and make vendors and all stakeholder informed. Street vendors’ business shares a big pie in the economy of the state. Hence, a holistic approach to the issue of street vendors and the future of the city will shape the future of the economy of the state.


Bhowmik, S. (2010). Legal Protection for Street Vendors. Economic and Political Weekly, 12-15.

bhowmik, S. K. (n.d.). Hawkers and The Urban Street Vendors.

Sundaram, S. S. (2010). National Policy for Urban Street Vendors and Its Impact. Economic and Political Weekly, 22-25.

No License, Free for all. Last modified on 28-04-13
Street Vendors' Strike Call Evokes Tepid Response, last modified on 28-04-13
Solitary Cop Accused of Tax Collection, last modified on 28-04-13
Street Vendor , last modified on 28-04-13
Street Vendors Set to Get Plot, last modified on 28-04-13

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Documentation and Sustainability of Development Organisations

Many make up their mind to start a non-profit non-governmental organization (NPNGO) with real social intention, while many other did with the intention to make money with social intention which I think is the most common purpose. The later does not mean a social entrepreneurship. Someone who doesn’t have any educational background also makes up this mind for such ideas and gets registered an organisation just by paying some ten times more than the actual charge of the registration to someone, a mediator, who does it. This is not the case of only not-so-educated peoples but even for those who have gained knowledge of social work/developmental organisations. This happens in both rural and urban across India and Bihar is not less than none, I guess. And these become uncountable number of NPNGOs in the registry and around 10 per cent of this is dormant. 

Every organisation (NPNGO) cannot escape from showing annual work report and financial report at the time of applying for any project fund to donors. For the beginner organisations are Government, because everything fake and fabricated is accepted in Government with bribe. I am not using the word ‘maintain’ in place of ‘show’ in the last line because it is not maintained/kept in mind throughout the year in such an organisation which is registered in the way mentioned above. They don’t know how to get registered an NGO by themselves, then maintaining or writing such a work report and financial report is just next to impossible. For this also they just pay out INR300 to someone who does this regularly. This has also become a way of money making for those who write such things- an end product of copy-and-paste. The person will put something, some works in which every paragraph is one project. Everything has to be done in fake because for the last couples of years they haven’t done anything voluntarily for social benefit. There are two worst things which should not be with any such organisation- they don’t know how to write/ do documentation and they don’t have the true intention do something for the benefit of society. These are the two reasons why NGOs of such kind remain as name only. Some get some governmental projects through bribe or acquaintances. Let’s assume they have got a project anyhow. This happens! Let’s see what’s next. 

The whole point I want to talk around is documentation. In rural NGOs writing down of whatever they think and do or documentation, to use the term, is the weakest point. This is not the case of only rural NGOs but many in urban also. I have seen three types of NGOs- one which has realised that documentation is the weakest point but don’t have the skills and knowledge and also understood that overcoming of which the organisation will grow very fast; second is the one which has not realised the importance of documentation, don’t have the skills of documentation and hence don’t feel required so much and thus don’t realised it as weakness; third is the one which realised the importance of documentation,  have the knowledge and skills but not used to do, may be because they do not taken it as weakness. I grossly take this as inability to realise the importance and significance of documentation and hence not the effort to overcome this challenge.  

Let’s talk little bit extensively on the significance of documentation at different stages of a project. One guy approached me to discuss that his idea of giving training to farmers for dairy farming. He is not literate but not educated. He doesn’t have knowledge and skill of documentation. Even when I know well about his weakness, I asked him to write down his ideas or concept in a piece of paper in his own language. People conceive writing down is supposed to be done in English, which is not necessary at all. I asked him to write in Hindi. I told him to write down why he wants to do, who will directly benefit from the training, what he want to achieve, what are the things that will required to conduct the training, what are the cost at each and every task, what things will tell you have achieved what you wanted to? Additionally I asked him to write down the how the training is going to be-the model/module of the training. This is a very simple and unstructured ex-ante project report. Although, this would be enough for him who don’t have knowledge and skills of documentation until the phase his project initiates on the ground.

Why I told him to write down all these is that this will definitely give us a depiction of the project. Just looking at this anyone can have an overall concept of the project. Project Managers call this, ex-ante evaluation as Work Breakdown Structure. This will enable us to see what is wrong, what is left out and what is okay. You made up small ideas for big thing, these small ideas are what you written down, otherwise you may forget. Ideas in the mind are always unstructured. It comes to structure only when you write down. Things done without structure look unauthentic and unreliable. To get ready a blueprint of the project is always best idea before execution of the task. It is said that ‘easier said than done’ so here also ‘easier thought than done’. We assume what we plan anything in a room is alright, still we get lost in the field, is something not uncommon. 

This document/write up /ex-ante report is the first phase of documentation. This is a reference for the execution of the project. Whenever we get lost in field we look back the blueprint and thus come to the track. This will be used for monitoring and mid and final evaluation/impact assessment of the project. When we use the term Monitoring, Evaluation and Impact assessment it is not to get fear at all. It differs according the size of the project. By monitoring I just want to mean how well the project is going in all aspect, and by Evaluation/Impact Assessment (the two terms are not necessary similar) I just want to mean if the project has achieved what we thought to achieve as written down in ex-ante project report (/blueprint)? I have mentioned that writing of ex-ante evaluation/planning of the project helps in writings after initiation of the ground work and importantly, what really helpful is in final project report documentation. 

Once the project has initiated the objective of documentation is to write the success stories, achievement case studies, Most Significant Change (MSC) stories. These writings are the means to showcase the success of the project. These writings will help to scale up the same project if donor satisfies the project, which is mostly based on these said writings. Not only for the same project but also these writings are definitely used to showcase the identity of the NGO. And thus plays a determining factor of getting new project either in the same sector or other. Many NGOs remain as it was because of the inability to write these stuffs. 

I have seen organisations which have done good jobs/projects in the past life of the organisation but they didn't document anything about the project(s). Now they feel repentance that they should have done it. They forgot everything now when they realised and when they need it now which they can use as effective supporting documents for funding proposals. It is axiom that written document is the only means of communication to external entities. There is no way escape from this. Some organisations may get fund without these writing from Government or other donors is because of bribe they pay or acquaintances they have in the donor agency. Telling lies is not a sustainable approach of survival of an organisation, which is quite common in many such organisations I have been talking about at the beginning. 

Once the importance of documentation is internalised with the managers/owners of the organisation they can start hunting for resources for documentation, may be cost and human resource, which I think both are the biggest challenge in small organisation. This challenge should be sorted out if you want to grow your organisation. For the small organisation I have been talking about it is a challenge to have quality staff who can do all these. Therefore, organisation can hire consultants to do this job of writing/planning, which is only one time investment. Consultant does not mean expensive highly technically expert individuals. It differs according to the need and (or) size of the organisation. By consultant I just want to mean here is the individual who will just deliver job done in a specific period of time at a mutually agreed cost (/price for the consultancy). This can be anyone who can do the job. Inviting students as interns is one good option for these things get done at minimal cost. 

I have the strong believe that once the challenge of a honest documentation is overcome your organisation will be one of the socially well accepted and socially recognised, that will (is the reasons to) attract funds in several sectors and sub-sectors and thus becomes a real change agent.